أفضل تطبيق لطلب وجباتك

سوفود هو التطبيق الأقوى والأكثر أمانًا والأسرع لتوصيل الطعام في البلاد، يحتوي على الآف الأطباق الشهية المختلفة والمتنوعة وفق رغبتك الخاصة فكل ما تشتهيه من أطعمة وحلويات تجده في سوفود: شوارما، همبرغر، مشاوي، فلافل، أسماك، سوشي، سلطات، بيتزا، باجيتات، أكل ووجبات عربية، حلويات شرقية  وغربية ومثلجات، وغيرها الكثير من الوجبات المتنوعة التي لا تقاوم.. سهولة ليس لها مثيل في طلب الطعام: اختر منطقتك، ثمّ مطعم ووجبتك المفضلة، واختر طريقة الدفع التي تناسبك نقدي أم فيزا وستكون وجبتك بانتظارك بغضون دقائق، ولا تنسَ أن تتمتّع بخصومات حصرية في تطبيق سوفود.

سياسة الخصوصيه

الخصوصية وبيان سريّة المعلومات
نقدر مخاوفكم واهتمامكم بشأن خصوصية بياناتكم على شبكة الإنترنت.
لقد تم إعداد هذه السياسة لمساعدتكم في تفهم طبيعة البيانات التي نقوم بتجميعها منكم عند زيارتكم لموقعنا على شبكة الانترنت أو تطبيق سوفوود على الهواتف الذكية وكيفية تعاملنا مع هذه البيانات الشخصية.

سياسة الخصوصية



8 إعلانات من قبل جهة خارجية على الموقع

8.1 يحق للشركة السماح لشركات أخرى بوضع إعلانات على الموقع وإدارة مجموعة الإعلانات على الموقع. الإعلانات التي تشاهدها عند زيارتك للموقع تأتي من أجهزة كمبيوتر تلك الشركات أو جهات خارجية أخرى. من أجل إدارة إعلاناتها ، تضع هذه الشركات ملفات تعريف الارتباط على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك.

 تسمح لهم ملفات تعريف الارتباط بجمع معلومات حول استخدامك للموقع، على سبيل المثال الإعلانات التي تم وضعها على الموقع وقمت بمشاهدتها. وبهذه الطريقة يسعون لمحاولة تصميم الإعلانات التي سيتم تقديمها لك وفقا للمواضيع التي تهمك. 

يخضع استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط من قبل هذه الشركات لسياسات الخصوصية الخاصة بها وليس لسياسة هذا الموقع. لا تستطيع هذه الشركات الوصول إلى ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بالموقع ولا يمتلك الموقع حق الوصول إلى ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بهم. إذا كنت ترغب في التحقق من سياسات الخصوصية الخاصة بالشركات التي تعلن أو تدير نظام الإعلان على الموقع وتمنعها من إرسال ملفات تعريف الارتباط إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وقراءتها منه ، فيمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال مواقعها الإلكترونية الخاصة بها.


9 حماية البيانات


10 الحق في مراجعة المعلومات

11 التغييرات في سياسة الخصوصية

11.1 يحق للشركة تغيير أحكام سياسة الخصوصية من وقت لآخر. ستقوم الشركة بحتلنة المستخدمين المسجلين في الموقع إذا تم إجراء تغييرات جوهرية على هذه السياسة، في التعليمات المتعلقة باستخدام المعلومات الشخصية.

 نحن نحثّك على متابعة مستجدات سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة من وقت لآخر.

إن مخاوفك واهتمامك بشأن سرية وخصوصية البيانات تعتبر مسألة في غاية الأهمية بالنسبة لنا. نحن نأمل أن يتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال هذه السياسة.




Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at Sofood(“ Company ”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). 
We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us at   s.tech.inbox@gmail.com .
When you visit our mobile application, and use our services, you trust us with your personal information. We take your privacy very seriously. In this privacy notice, we describe our privacy policy. We seek to explain to you in the clearest way possible what information we collect, how we use it and what rights you have in relation to it. We hope you take some time to read through it carefully, as it is important. If there are any terms in this privacy policy that you do not agree with, please discontinue use of our Apps and our services.
This privacy policy applies to all information collected through our mobile application,   ("Apps"), and/or any related services, sales, marketing or events (we refer to them collectively in this privacy policy as the "Sites"). 
Please read this privacy policy carefully as it will help you make informed decisions about sharing your personal information with us.

1. What information do we collect?


Information automatically collected


We automatically collect certain information when you visit, use or navigate the Sites. This information does not reveal your specific identity (like your name or contact information) but may include device and usage information, such as your IP address, browser and device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, device name, country, location, information about how and when you use our Sites and other technical information. This information is primarily needed to maintain the security and operation of our Sites, and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes.

Like many businesses, we also collect information through cookies and similar technologies.


Information collected from other sources

We may obtain information about you from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, as well as from other third parties. Examples of the information we receive from other sources include: social media profile information; marketing leads and search results and links, including paid listings (such as sponsored links).



2. How do we use your information?

We use personal information collected via our Sites for a variety of business purposes described below. We process your personal information for these purposes in reliance on our legitimate business interests (“Business Purposes”), in order to enter into or perform a contract with you (“Contractual”), with your consent (“Consent”), and/or for compliance with our legal obligations (“Legal Reasons”). We indicate the specific processing grounds we rely on next to each purpose listed below.

We use the information we collect or receive:

  • For other Business Purposes. We may use your information for other Business Purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve our Sites, products, services, marketing and your experience.


3. Will your information be shared with anyone?


We only share information with your consent, to comply with laws, to protect your rights, or to fulfill business obligations.



4. Who will your information be shared with?


We only share and disclose your information with the following third parties. We have categorized each party so that you may be easily understand the purpose of our data collection and processing practices. If we have processed your data based on your consent and you wish to revoke your consent, please contact us.

  • Allow Users to Connect to their Third-Party Accounts and Vimeo account
  • Web and Mobile Analytics Google Analytics


5. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?


We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies (like web beacons and pixels) to access or store information. Specific information about how we use such technologies and how you can refuse certain cookies is set out in our Cookie Policy down below.



6. How long do we keep your information?



We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as tax, accounting or other legal requirements). No purpose in this policy will require us keeping your personal information for longer than 2 years.



7. Do we make updates to this policy?



Yes, we will update this policy as necessary to stay compliant with relevant laws. We may update this privacy policy from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by an updated “Revised” date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to this privacy policy, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to review this privacy policy frequently to be informed of how we are protecting your information.



8. How can you contact us about this policy? 

If you have questions or comments about this policy, you may email us at s.tech.inbox@gmail.com


This Cookie Policy explains how sofood(further in the text “Company”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) uses cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our websites at www.sofood.co.il, (further in the text “Website”). It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

In some cases, we may use cookies to collect personal information, or that becomespersonal information if we combine it with other information.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners in order to make their websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information.

Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, sofood) are called “first party cookies”. Cookies set by parties other than the website owner are called “third partycookies”. Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (e.g. like advertising, interactive content and analytics). The parties that set these third-party cookies can recognize your computer both when it visits the website in question and also when it visits certain other websites.

Why do we use cookies?

We use first- and third-party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons for our Website to operate, and we refer to these as “essential”or “strictly necessary” cookies. Other cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Online Properties. Third parties serve cookies through our Website for advertising, analytics and other purposes. This is described in more detail below.

How can I control cookies?

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. You can exercise your cookie rights by setting your preferences in the Cookie Settings. These settings allow you to select which categories of cookies you accept or reject. Essential cookies cannot be rejected as they are strictly necessary to provide you with services.

The Cookie Settings can be found in the notification banner on our website. If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website though your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted. You may also set or amendyour web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. As the means by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser-to-browser, you should visit your browser’s help menu for more information.

The specific types of first- and third-party cookies served through our Website and the purposes they perform are described in the table below (please note that the specific cookies served may vary depending on the specific Online Properties you visit):

Essential website cookies:

These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our Websites and to use some of its features, such as access to secure areas.

  • cookie_control_consent
  • cookie_control_enabled_cookies
  • csrftoken
  • sessionid

Analytics and customization cookies:

These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our Websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our Website for you.

  • _ga
  • _gat
  • _gid

How often will you update this Cookie Policy?

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Please therefore re-visit this Cookie Policy regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

Where can I get further information?

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at s.tech.inbox@gmail.com